Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Kicking back after the Inca trail...

The next day after the Inca trail I spent sleeping in and re-charging my body after putting it through the perils of the trek.Tonight our group headed out for the last night we would all be together - and the lucky place to have our presence was Las Vegas! A local salsa club - we were the only Gringo's there...We went with our Oasis leader - Jesus, and our Inca trail leader Alfredo who both showed us some salsa moves.But.. we could handle only so much from the local men, so we moved on to a more touristy club.

The next day a few of us went whitewater rafting on the rapids of the Urubamba river. After putting on our sexy patched up wetsuits, lifejackts and helmets we were briefed about how to NOT fall out of the raft and if we do.. how we should continue to float down the river until a safety kayaker came to our rescue! Needless to say this made me very nervous...

All was going well until our guide at the back of the raft and the safety kayaker pushed me deliberately into the 4deg water. Lucky we were in a quiet part of the river!
It was great fun..and all survived. We managed to not flip the raft or go tumbling down the river like a ragdoll!
Afterwards we got to have a sauna to warm up and then made our way back to Cusco.

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