Our first stop was to the Uros Islands - a group of about 4o small artifical floating islands made out of river reeds. These islands are held to the riverbed with anchors to make sure they don't float away - even their houses are made out of dried reeds!
After dinner the locals put on a party for us.. we dressed up in the traditional clothes and danced the night away in a traditional 'hoe-down'!! Our mother was very enthusiastic and got us up to dance for every song.
The next day we made our way back to Puno before getting on another bus to cross the border into Bolivia.
What an experience!
I had to get out of the bus and physically walk across the border to get my passport stamped by the Bolivian immigration.
Our bus had to pass a strait in the lake.. and again we all had to get out, get into a speed boat while the boat was put onto a barge and shipped across the lake. Apparently a vote to build a bridge resulted in a no - it would lose too many jobs.
Finally we made it to La Paz in Bolivia and our group was down to 3 Aussies!
On our last night together on the tour, Jesus took us to a restaurant where I had chicken Cordon Bleu and Mojito for $AUS8.o0! Bolivia is really cheap..
There were also fireworks being let off in the middle of the crowd without warning.. bits of coal and ash from the fireworks landed on us.. I have never been afraid of fireworks until that night....